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How do I apply for dual enrollment?

Your first step is to submit your application to Montco. Be sure to choose ‘High School Dual Enrollment’ as your program of study.

一旦您的申请被提交,您将收到一封确认电子邮件,其中包含您的 新的学生证号码在24-48小时内. 如果你没有收到你的学生证 48 hours, please contact our IT Support Services for assistance


参加双注册课程可以让你在还活着的时候获得大学学分 in high school. These credits can be transferred to a four-year college or university; however, you should contact your intended college's 冰球突破豪华版办公室确保你的学分完全转移.


  • Save time and money
  • 在高中就获得大学学分
  • 轻松地从高中过渡到大学
  • 为加速完成学位而努力

Can I meet with an Academic Advisor?

不确定你的课程选择或考虑转学到另一个机构 in the future? 我们的学术咨询团队将为您提供帮助! By connecting with an advisor, 你可以调整你的教育目标,确保你走在正确的轨道上.


如果你还没有被指派指导老师, simply browse through the My Success Network 选择一个基于您的程序或兴趣领域.


所有在高中、Montco或在线上的双注册课程都是一样的 follows*:

  • In-County: $223.00 per class
  • Out-of-County: $399.00 per class
  • Out-of-State: $575.00 per class

*参加合作学校(包括县外合作学校)的学生将 pay the in-county rate.

How do I register for a class?

一旦你申请并收到你的确认电子邮件与你的冰球突破豪华版学生身份证 number, you are ready to register.

If you plan to take your class(es)

  • At your high school, complete the online registration 适用于高中双冰球突破豪华版课程.
  • At Montco,在校内或网上填写 online registration for dual enrollment courses at Montco.

注意:您将需要您的Montco学生ID和用户登录信息 the application process. 你也应该告诉你的父母或监护人他们 是否会通过电子邮件收到需要签名授权的家长释放表格 允许你上这门课.

What does it mean to Audit a course?

审核表明该学生已注册该课程,但没有学分. The College's Registration Calendar 概述与审计过程相关的具体日期. The course instructor 确定并沟通期望和工作要求. Students who do not meet 教师的期望会得到一个“AW”." Some courses may not be audited. 如果学生计划将学分转到其他机构,则必须修这门课程 for academic credit. 

What if I am waitlisted for a class?

学生应该尽早注册课程,以获得他们需要的时间表和部分. 如果您被列入候选名单,您将通过您的蒙科学生电子邮件收到通知 class.

如果有空位,您将收到一封通知您下一步行动的电子邮件. Students must email waitlist@yxxxstone.com within 24 hours 那封索要座位的邮件是什么时候发出的. After this time, the seat is offered to the next person in line.

How do I pay my bill?

Visit our Payment Information 请参阅有关支付课程费用的详细信息.

When is payment due?

Please review the Dates and Deadlines for your semester. 学生应留意他们的Montco电子邮件地址是否有通知 about payments and key deadlines.  


要允许您的父母或监护人访问您的记录,请访问自助服务 并选择用户选项,然后发布学生记录. You will need to indicate the 个人的姓名和关系,然后设置4位密码和您希望的访问权限 to provide.


你可以给你的父母,监护人或其他人 users 在线查看和支付您的账单. Please click this link to begin that process. 
一旦您获得授权访问,您的父母或监护人将收到电子邮件通知 from payment@yxxxstone.comcontaining a username and password.

How do I drop a class?

当考虑放弃或退出一门课程时,复习是很重要的 dates and deadlines.

Courses taken at High School:

如果你想退学,请填写我们的表格 Drop/Withdrawal form. 填妥此表格,并填妥相应的签名 from your high school. Email the form to dualenrollment@yxxxstone.com.

Course taken at Montco:

如欲放弃在冰球突破豪华版教授的课程,包括在线课程,请访问 Montco Connect 并填写注册协助表格. This form can be located by typing “注册协助”进入搜索栏.

NOTE: 双注册学生不能使用自助服务退课。. 

How do I withdraw from a class?


Courses taken at High School:

要退课,请填写我们的表格 Drop/Withdrawal form. 使用操作代码“W”填写表格,并确保适当的签名 from your high school. Email the form to dualenrollment@yxxxstone.com.

Course taken at Montco:

要退出冰球突破豪华版大学的课程,包括在线课程,请填写我们的 online Withdrawal form. 如果您在查找或访问提款表时遇到困难,请与我们联系 IT Support Services for assistance.


NOTE: 双注册学生不能使用自助服务退课。.

How do I request an official transcript?

You can request your transcript online for a $5 fee. 在线申请成绩单是通过国家完成 学生冰球突破豪华版电话:703-742-4200或 transcripts@studentclearinghouse.org.

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How do I order Books?

Visit the Online Bookstore page
for instructions.